Friday, January 18, 2008

Quilt a long progress

I was supposed to go out of town this long weekend but those plans got changed. Since I had already scheduled time off from both of my jobs, I decided this would be a great time to make my quilt a long squares with Amanda Jean. We are on week 9 and I am just starting (shhhhh).

I have been collecting fabric for several months (ok years) like most of you, but I saw some the other day that I REALLY like and thought I would like to use it for the quilt a long. I am SO proud of myself. I got up this morning, went to the fabric store, and talked myself out of buying that fabric that I think is so pretty. I always think it is so pretty, that's why I have so much of it. I reasoned that I would have to go home and wait while I washed and dried it, left the store and went home and started cutting out my blocks and taking pictures of my progress. I love the choice I made and think it will be every bit as pretty as if I had bought the other fabric ( I'm sure I will buy it at some point though).

I hope to be completely caught up by the next time I post and have the pictures to prove it. I am excited to finally have the time to do this.

Thanks Amanda Jean for doing this little bit of fun so I could join in!

1 comment:

G'G'ma said...

You showed so much will power by not buying fabric today. Now you have that money to buy some fabric in England!!!! Have fun.